singapore giveaway contest

Supersaurs 1: Raptors of Paradise
Bea’s parents went missing eleven years ago. So when her grandmother and godfather suddenly decide on a trip to the remote Indonesian islands of Aru, to see the elusive Raptors of Paradise, Bea starts asking questions. But the more questions Bea asks, the more trouble comes their way. Was the journey a big mistake, or the beginning of an epic adventure?
Supersaurs 2: The Stegosorcerer
After leaving the rainforests of Indonesia, and outwitting the terrible Christian Hayter, Bunty Brownlee takes her grandchildren Bea and Carter, and Carter's newly domesticated Black Dwarf Tyrant, to a safari reserve in Kenya, built to protect the endangered White Titan Tyrants. But soon the children are caught up in a sinister plot involving poaching and diamond-mining. The young heroes require the aid of the Steggi, a nomadic tribe who live in harmony with their prized Stegosaurs...
We are giving away 2 copies of Supersaurs 1: Raptors of Paradise!
To enter,
Click on this link to join this contest in Singapore
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