[Singapore Giveaways] Win pairs of tickets (worth $15 each) of Ramen Teh

singapore giveaway contest

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, indoor and food
[Giveaway inside] What happens when Japanese ramen marries a bowl of bak kut teh? You get Ramen Teh, of course! We have two pairs of tickets (worth $15 each) to give away to Blog Aloud: Ramen Teh happening next Monday (March 26), 7.10pm at GV Plaza. You'll get to interact with director Eric Khoo in a Q&A session after the movie.

To win, simply answer: "Who is the Japanese actress cast as Miki in the movie?" Leave your answer as a comment below, and be sure to like this post, share it, and follow The Popping Post on Facebook. Two winners will be picked by 9pm on Sunday (March 25). Participants must be able to make it for the session on Monday, 7.10pm. No scalpers, please.

Click on this link to join this contest in Singapore

For more details, please refer to https://www.gv.com.sg/GVMovieDetails#/movie/0462

Thanks to Golden Village Mr Popcorn for the prizes!

Cc. Clover Films

#RamenTeh #TakumiSaitoh #EricKhoo #JeannetteAw #SeikoMatsuda #MarkLeeKokHuang
