singapore contest

Be you! Live Your Dreams!
We love to see people learn! To support you in your journey of growth, we're giving away 2 tickets to 3 Hour Workshop Session on 8th, 14th and 15thJuly at PS100/Oasia Hotel Downtown or RELC in Singapore (worth SGD50).
In the workshop, you will get to learn:
-Conversation skills to know other people better
-Learn how to connect to others
-Improve your mind and ability to set goals that work when you use them
and so on! You can read up more here :
Just help to spread the word:
1) Like and Follow Live Origo
2) Share the post and tag a friend that would be interested to go with you (Remember to set your shared post as public so that the organisers can verify your share)
3) Comment "Done!" in the post and you're in!
We will contact the lucky winners personally!
Good luck! – Live Origo
*Contest is open to anyone working, studying or staying in Singapore only.
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